How do I list my business into the white pages listings?
Should I pay for a white pages business listing?
Recently we were asked by one of our clients, if they should renew their white pages business listing in the Australian white pages. To help them make this assessment they asked us to review what sort of contact they were receiving from the white pages listings with regard to click through to their website. The results were very interesting!
Using the Google analytics that we had placed on the website, we were able to ascertain that there were some 24,000 referring sites that were bringing customers from external links into their existing website in the past year. Of these 24,000 only three of them had come from the white pages listing.
We then decided to check what ranking their particular listing was getting for their primary keywords. In other words if somebody types in a business name into Google, were they receiving the white pages listing any way relevant? The answer was clearly no. On checking Google, Yahoo, Bing, the primary keywords were not to be found within the first 100 listings on any of those returns.
The conclusion here is that the white pages listing was bringing absolutely no relevant web traffic to their site.
So what benefit is a You are year is no wall you you you you are you in those little bit pages listing?
For this particular business there was very little web related benefit whatsoever. As it turned out the additional cost they were paying for a professional business listing was giving them web related benefits who actually bringing no benefits at all.
The white pages business listing, as a paid service included some additional features such as a map of where to find this business. This business in particular has no walk-in traffic. So using a map in a paid listing is of no benefit at all.
The question could then be asked, isn’t it important to be able to be found within the white pages? And the answer is clearly yes, but luckily the white pages allow you to list your business and phone number free of charge. This means that the fuse Luddites remaining in this world who would dial directory assistance to receive a phone number would still receive the correct phone number for the business free of charge.
How do I list my business in the white pages listings for free?
It is really simple: Google “whitepages” and go to the primary website. From there you will be able to sign up for free and list your business. If you have trouble doing this you can even phone them on 1800 810211.
How do I work it out if my business requires a paid business listing as per the example above?
You can simply contact us using the email contact form here:http://www.interactivewebs.com/ContactUs.aspx we will be happy to help you free of charge to understand if your business could benefit from a paid white pages listing.
Thanks for this information about white page listing. It’s really amazing because it will help before spending money.